Saturday, September 18, 2010

Repairing a Corrupted Database

When we are regularly using databases, sometimes those will get corrupted. This happened to one of my applications, it was a Windows Mobile application with SQL Server CE database. Since it is running in a mobile it is bit difficult for us to fix the database using the desktop machine. I used the following .Net Compact framework code to fix the corrupted database while the database is in the mobile.

  1. private void btnRepair_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  2. {
  3.     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
  4.     Cursor.Show();
  5.     // txtDBPath will contain the path to the database.
  6.     engine = new SqlCeEngine(@"Data Source=" + txtDBPath.Text + ";Password=DBPassword");
  7.     try
  8.     {
  9.         if (!engine.Verify())
  10.         {
  11.             Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
  12.             Cursor.Hide();
  13.             DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Database is corrupted. Do you want to repair?", "My App", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
  14.             if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
  15.             {
  16.                 Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
  17.                 Cursor.Show();
  18.                 // You can also use RepairOption.DeleteCorruptedRows.
  19.                 engine.Repair(null, RepairOption.RecoverCorruptedRows);
  20.                 Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
  21.                 Cursor.Hide();
  22.                 MessageBox.Show("Database repaired successfully.", "My App");
  23.             }
  24.         }
  25.         else
  26.         {
  27.             Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
  28.             Cursor.Hide();
  29.             MessageBox.Show("Database is not corrupted.", "My App");
  30.         }
  31.     }
  32.     catch (Exception ex)
  33.     {
  34.         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
  35.         Cursor.Hide();
  36.         MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!");
  37.     }
  38. }

Next time you get a corrupted SQL CE database try it out.